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Lol,nah they don't

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Q: Do guyS like girls that smell fishy?
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How do guys like a girl to smell?

Guys like girls to smell nice and not sweaty or anything gross just smell nice and us guys will love you

Why do some girls that are fat smell like fish?

they are unable to bend over and properly wash their vagina which makes them have a fishy fanny

What does rivers smell like?

Salt water; fishy

What do girls feet taste like?

Handsome guys feet smell and taste better!!

What does a bottlenose dolphin smell like?

whenever i visit them at aquariums, they always smell salty and fishy

What does a river smell like?

Salt water; fishy

What do dolphins smell like?

Dolphins smell all fishy sense they live in the ocean all the time. Dolphins also smell like salt water.

You find that you have a smell at times but a fishy smell but dont smell it till after you have had an orgasm?

The normal scent for a vagina is a kinda fishy smell so that is normal unless it smells like ritten fish. Then you probably have a yeast infection. To smell it after an orgasm is normal to since you have the vaginal fluids coming out.

Should red snapper smell fishier after 3 days in the refrigerator?

No, red snapper should never smell fishier unless is going bad. Fresh fish smells like the sea, not fishy. The fishy smell comes from fish decomposing.

Do girls like guys or just cars and money?

Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.

How do you atract girls?

One of the things that attracts girls the most is to just be confident in yourself. Girls notice when guys are sure of themselves and they like it.

What smell do girls like?

Smell like eggs