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Bisexual men are more attractive and sexier and every city is swarming with them. In bed bi guys offer both sensitivity and a new realm of sexual exploration. They know how to give and recieve during sex which doubles her fun.

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11mo ago

Attraction is subjective and varies from person to person. Some girls may find bisexual men attractive, while others may not be as interested. It ultimately depends on individual preferences and attitudes towards sexual orientation.

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Q: Do girls think bi guys are hot?
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Is being bi hot?

If you are hot, then you are also hot if you are bisexual. Being a girl who is attracted to girls and also guys or a guy who is attracted to guys and also girls being hot is a fetish, but a fairly wide-spread one.

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Because guys think it's hot and Girls are more accepting. But MOST girls accept girls and guys for being gay/lesbian/pansexual/bi/ect... Guys are just dicks c; GAYPRIDE♥♥

Do girls like bi guys?

im not possotive but alot of the girls at my school think its cute that im BI but there are a few that use the terms "BI and gay as insalts"

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that may not be the case. if he is not gay then he may hang out with lesbians just because of the fact that most guys think that lez and bi girls are hot/sexy. but it does not mean that he is gay

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Some girls find it nice to be around bi guys or even gay guys because they can discuss guys that they like with him, without gossip spreading quickly.

Are bisexuals cool?

yes, well at least I think so every bisexual i have ever met was AWESOME

How do i know I am Bi Curious?

when you like both girls and guys

How do you win your ex over a popular girl?

Tell him how you feel and hope for the best. Turn bi... Guys think that's hot

What does it mean when they say a guy is bi?

When a guy is "bi"or bisexual it means that the person likes girls AND other guys.

Are you bi if you do stuff with boys?

well.. if you like guys and girls then you are ...if you found out you pass out and a man did something to you, well..i will say that's not bi..but also if you get drunk and you did stuff with a man , then ya i don't think you are...but if it happens to many times then i think you are..

Are you bi if you're a girl and you like guys and get turned on by girls?

no, and yes. Do you like girls? if so then yes, if not then no.

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