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when you like both girls and guys

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Q: How do i know I am Bi Curious?
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How do you know if your bi-curious?

if you look at other men and their dick and laugh and giggle

What if you think your bi?

then find someone who will let you experiment with them of the same sex and see if you like it but let them know that it you are only bi-curious and they should be openly gay or bi

What is the meaning of bi-curious?

Bi-curious is when you do not know if you are straight or lesbian/gay or just plain bisexual. It's the experimental kind of stage. Myself I went through it and I am bisexual. You can decide by yourself what you become.

Is payton blanchette gay?

Maybe bi-curious or bi?

How do you get a girl to kiss you when your 13 and bi-curious?

Well I'm a male I am 13 but I have many friends who are bi-curious... they say they are lesbian but you know some people at 13 don't know who they truly are. You can always steal a kiss but that's something to talk over with friends

How do you know if a friend that is a girl says she is bi but doesn't seem to be?

Right now she probably just doesn't know how she feels. She probably confused. Just let her have some time alone to figure out who she is. She might just be bi-curious which means she doesn't know if she is bi or not.

Are you a lesbian if you are only attracted to one girl but not others?

No, you are bi/ bi curious.

You are a teenage male bi-curious what do you do?

You experiment!

Is Deena From Jersey Shore Lesbian?

No, she is bi-curious

What is the main difference between Bi-curious and Bisexual?

The main difference between being bi-curious and bisexual is that being bi-curious involves questioning or exploring one's attraction to multiple genders without necessarily identifying as bisexual, whereas being bisexual means being actively attracted to or engaging in romantic or sexual relationships with people of more than one gender.

Is Nicki minaj a lesbiean?

Nicki is not a lesbiean but she is bi- curious

Is Niki manaj gey?

She says she's ''bi-curious''