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Don't be prejudiced and assume that all people of a certain class like a certain thing, or not.

In fact, girls and women are generally sophisticated enough to like a man who is considerate, in no way self-centered, is confident but not overly macho, and one who is honest and generous to others. Notice that height was not one of those criteria.

Each girl likes their own thing.

You will hear more often that girls find taller guys attractive, this is not true.

Just because it is easier to say and get away with without much dispute you will hear it more often then others.

Girls like what they find attractive and being short is not necessarily considered an attractive trait but that all depends on the person or persons.

Tall does look more fitting but in the end it does not matter unless the person is really shallow.

As a guy I feel more comfortable around a taller girl but I love being around the shorter ones cause they are often fun, and being short is not a turn off at all and is cute but yes being taller can be more of turn on. Call it dominance, call it bigger is better, it is my individual preference.

I have a friend that will only go for short girls, and I know a girl that doesn't care or see the difference.

Most men are taller then women so being shorter then the guys does not make you short for her.

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