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That depends on the girl. Some girls dont because they feel like its inappropriate, honestly i do like it. Not alot of if but the occasional hug, touching her hand a little, or having your knees touch each others.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 1y ago

Depends on the person

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Q: Do girls like physical attention from guys?
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he may like you :)

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well sort of. ask an actual dating site

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they are probably doing it to get your attention, unless you do act like little kids and the girls find you really annoying.

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Boys like girls to be aggressive. Boys like to be teased about their hair or weight or skin condition. Boys like girls to pull their pants down and expose their boxers. Boys like it when girls call them by affectionate names like "honeybuns". Boys like it when girls flirt with a bunch of different guys

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No, You aren't a lesbian, but you are probably bisexual.

What do girls like about guys?

Girls like being treated well by guys. They also like guys that don't wear too much cologne. They like their eyes and eyebrows. Massive abs and muscles aren't necessary but but a lean body is nice. And if he winks at you and calls you beautiful and hot and only pays attention to you.

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Some girls are awesome, and like guys for who they are, some girls like guys cause they're hot, and some jerky girls like guys for their money and their cars.

What do girls not want guys to do?

Girls do not like it when you dismiss their opinions, ignore them, or when you are rude to them. They also tend to personal likes and dislikes that you should pat attention to if you are in a relationship with them.

Why do girls dress like sluts?

Because they want attention from guys. And they think it's attractive. If they say otherwise, they are lying.