they can start gettin hairy armpits like at 10,11,12,13 years old somewhere round there. that's when about every thing starts gettin hairy
he is sexy
private parts, armpits, chest, legs, arms and face ( boys ) private parts and armpits ( Girls ) Though it depends on your genes and weight and height! Not much hair unless you are a monkey
Mostly between the ages of 10 and 13
No, girls armpits do not smell bad, usually. The only way that they do is if they do not wash them.
You say, "Mom, I have hairy armpits and I need to shave them." :). Then you go buy a razor and shaving cream and you SHAVE 'EM!
Not all girls hate hairy guys if your very hairy dont be ashamed its just who you are
Well Basically... I am 13 and I already have hairy armpits and a hairy fanny and shave them both... I haven't started my period but a slot of my friends have, I have started growing like a moustache but wax and I do my eyebrows!! I I started growing body hair when I was bout 12 x
yes she has really hairy armpits and a moustache and that grey beard is awful
Hairy armpits are a natural feature of the human body that serve a purpose in protecting the skin and regulating body temperature. The hair helps to reduce friction between the armpit and the body, and also traps and disperses sweat to help cool the body down.
near her armpits
Your so hairy, when I look at your armpits, it looks like two monkeys nestled in there.😎