any type of butt can fart but if a girl has a big butt the fart will be loud if a girl has a small butt the fart will sound weak.
It's there nature they like big butts because they are curvey... and we girls like tall guys they like girls with big butts.. its almost the same thing hope i helped there..
To be more Smexy.
Only guys like big butts and maybe butts in general.
some do
they have big butts.
Yes sometimes.
Girls with big butts are good for sex, but there is no hard and fast rule here. i would say skinny girls
May be. I think mostly american's.
I think it is the black guys go for the white girls with big butts. The girls can't help how their butt looks and the size of the butt doesn't make you like a certain race.
Yes. He said that in a interview.
girls r sexy hot and if they have hot body parts why not their butts?
I am a girl and my friend always wear jeans that make her butt look HUGE Her butt is a normal size female butt. Girls have normal butts it is the jeans that make them look big