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No. It's just not in the same proportion as the rest of the body.

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Q: Do fat people have smaller penises?
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Why do overweight people have smaller penises?

They don't, they just look smaller.

How do diets vary with gender?

females watch their weight more even though men should because fat men have smaller penises

Do fat guys penises go inside of them?

Yes. Also being Over-weight makes your penis smaller then most because your blood has to flow to other places of your body.

Are circumcised penises smaller than uncircumcised ones?

No; circumcision does not affect the length of penises. It does affect the length of time you spend online asking questions about your dick.

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they rape the smaller birds because the male smaller birds do not have big enough penises

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they have big vaginas and black guys have big penises

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Gay people suck penises because they don't get same pleasure with women.

Why do people with small penises stay in the closet and make fun of others with small penises?

To make them feel better about themselves

When did people realize bullying was a problem?

When penises were invented

What foods do pregnant people eat?

floppy penises~

What coulour penises do Asian people have?

ofcourse its white

Why do people make fun of boys with small penises?

This is typical boy behaviour. They do this as it takes the spotlight of their own size. There are boys with small penises when flaccid that have large erect penises, and vice versa.