Since the internal structure of boobs is mostly fat, when a girl exercises and burns fat, odds are that some of the fat burned will be from the boobs
For cholesterol and to lose weight.
It is unlikely that your breasts will get bigger if you lose 15 pounds. Your breasts are more likely to get smaller if you lose weight. That is because the breast is made of mostly fat and lactating glands. If you want your breasts to get bigger you can try gaining weight or getting a breast augmentation.
your huge!
You can not loose weight from your breasts. If you starve yourself or not eat properly, it is possible to lose weight from your breasts.
This is just an educated guess, but I'm betting that you lose the same percentage (say, 10%) of fat everywhere in your body when you lose weight. In a place where you have little fat and lots of muscle, 10% of fat loss wouldn't be very obvious. Because your breasts are mostly fat, 10% of fat loss would be much more obvious, making it seem like you're losing more weight/losing weight first in your breasts.
Ofcourse not.
Have sex 3 times or more a day, it is the best form of excerice :)
Implants. Boobs are fat and water stores so they will shrink with the rest of you.
Yes they can but it depends on if your boobs are genetically big or if they are composed of excess fat
You would lose a small amount of weight, very small. I would recommend you to toss in a diet as well.
during puberty udon'tlose weight. You gain weight, then u will lose it after 5 years like me i started having boobs at 10 got my periods at 12 and gained weight at 11 then i lost all of the weight at 16. Trust me i hated my body i wanted to like kill my body!butdon'tfreak out, your all going to lose the weight after :)
Well, the bad news is that when you lose weight you lose it every where. You cannot spot reduce. Spot reduction is a myth. The good news is that you wont lose that much from your breasts and you can do exercises to help both your butt and your breasts look at least perkier.Doing the Modified Crunch, Soup Can Press, and Incline Fly might make you breasts appear larger.Now, here are the 10 best exercises to make your butt look better:1. Squats then you lay up side down for a hour to lose fat everwere2. Lunges3. Step Ups4. Hip Extensions5. One-Legged Deadlifts6. Hiking7. Biking8. Running9. Kickboxing10. Walkings