Yes it does. Or else it would have gone out of business long ago.
My wife uses it and it works for her.
I suggest you to try diet pill such as Proactol that is natural and organic. They are safer to use and often gives better result.
I found a website which contains reviews and discount code for diet pills. You can find it at the related link below.
No they can not make them take them because it is the women choice if she wants to go on a diet and to take the dieting pills to help.
It is all about portion sizes. Sorry but that is all i can give you.
I don't think any kind of pills is safe for dieting! They never mention the side effects, so I suggest waiting a while to check the results or reviews of others
Diet pills can be a tricky item to use for weight loss. Some only work with dieting and exercise, while others are made to simply burn fat. I would recommend researching the one you want to use before you make a decision.
Kelp pills are good for dieting, detoxifying your body, boosting your immune system, among other things. Although the 3 listed here are the main benefits.
Well you do not have to be 18 to buy coffee. I really do not suggest buying caffeine pills, they are known for causing cases of insomnia. Try to get on the right sleep. If you cannot go to sleep try reading, drinking tea, if that does not work got to a doctor.
It depends on what you eat, but yes, you will gain more weight. The only way you can burn off calories is doing physical activity and dieting-DON'T TRY DIET PILLS! they don't work at all!
I'm not sure if a 13 year old can actually buy diet pills, but I do know you should first ask a parent or a doctor before beginning the pills. Therefore, if a doctor or parent allows this, the doctor can give you a prescription or the parent will go with you to buy the diet pills.
Normally, no, stamina pills do not actually work. When companies sell these type of pills, they make promises that the pill will work. It is commonly a marketing technique.
You don't. It takes months of hard work and dieting.
Be Active! No pills or unhealthy dieting can ever replace the necessity of exercise. I know this from personal experience.
AnswerExercise.AnswerFat-burning pills are currently the centre of huge global controversy after being exposed by scientists to have extremely minimal or absolutely no effect on weight loss at all. Dieting or fat burning pills do not work and are just a way of exploiting vulnerable people for profit.You can try a diet program such as WeightWatchers instead, something that actually has proof of being successful.