Well you do not have to be 18 to buy coffee.
I really do not suggest buying caffeine pills, they are known for causing cases of insomnia.
Try to get on the right sleep. If you cannot go to sleep try reading, drinking tea, if that does not work got to a doctor.
State laws vary when it comes to purchasing over the counter medications and diet pills. In most states you will need to be 18 or older to purchase diet pills.
18 in most states.
18, in most places
Yes, but try to work out. Hit the gym - I don't trust "diet pills".
get a 18 year old to buy you them and hide them somewhere
It isn't healthy to take diet pills before the age of 18, especially when you are 4 years below that age. Your body is still growing and will not react well with the pills. Many diet pills can weaken the heart and cause complications. Depending on the state, you may not be able to purchase diet pills below 18 years of age.
Gastric banding is a surgical procedure. You normally need to be 18 to consent for it yourself. However, in some situations your parents may be able to give permission for the surgery or diet pills.
i guess you must be 18 year old when you will allow to buy these kind of pills.
Diet pills are generally just filled with stimulants and stimulants can cause all types of problems for growing individuals. taking diet pills can increase your risk for things like hypertension, irregular heartbeat, sleeplessness, diarrhea and a mess of other things. Stimulants like caffeine also have a chance to stunt growth in younger people. Its not advisable for people under 18 to take diet pills. its not advisable for anyone to take diet pills. eat right and work out. it works faster anyway.
Get an older friend who is atleast 18 yrs old and have her buy it for u but pay her back