Yes, taking diet pills without being under the supervision of a doctor can be bad for you.
exerxise or take diet pills
You can't.
Try a certain diet, maybe scarsdale diet.
No diet pills really work that good without exercise, if you aren't going to do cardio, at least try to do some muscle building, like lifting weights or something, that's what will keep you strong and fit.
The baby will lack in nutritence, and you may also. It means your suppose to gain weight not lose it.
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Kids can't take diet pills
No diet pills work, so therefore no diet pill is the strongest
It isn't healthy to take diet pills before the age of 18, especially when you are 4 years below that age. Your body is still growing and will not react well with the pills. Many diet pills can weaken the heart and cause complications. Depending on the state, you may not be able to purchase diet pills below 18 years of age.
can you breastfeed and take diet pills! The short answer- NO WAY
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