Boys make up 40% of the class (12 boys out of 30 total students).
No, Victorian boys and girls did not learn the same subjects. Boys were typically taught subjects like Latin, mathematics, and science, while girls were often taught skills like needlework, music, and basic arithmetic. Education was not seen as important for girls in the same way it was for boys during the Victorian era.
Boys may act differently around a girl they like due to nervousness, immaturity, or social conditioning. It's important to communicate openly and set boundaries to ensure respectful behavior in any relationship.
There is no inherent difference in abilities between boys and girls when it comes to history. Success in history, like any subject, depends on individual interests, effort, and opportunities for learning. Both boys and girls can excel and contribute to the study of history.
Aggression levels vary greatly among individuals and are not inherently tied to gender. Factors such as upbringing, environment, and personality play a significant role in determining levels of aggression in both boys and girls.
wil misty get tied up like 11 times and ash get tied up 15 0r 20 times
I like feeling helpless ;) it rocks
the Chipmunk Adventure has kids tied up. they are not really kids but they look like kids.
Boys this is the answers. yes girls do like strong boys and sometimes they want to spice things up a bit which will really get a girl going. she might want to handcuff you and kiss you. let the girls take control over the boys all tied up and helpless. if you do not know what i mean then go onto you and type in james franco gets played and you will understand
When Robert tells Roger that the chief had order the boys to tie Wilfred up Roger asked the same question, why? Robert didn't seem to know. All he could tell Roger was that Jack intended to beat Wilfred, had order him to be tied up and Wildred had been left tied up for hours.
if theres a sexii man hell yeahh __________________________ It depends on the girl, it also depends on the guy. Some girls like to be kinky. Try to find out before you get yourself into any uncomfortable messes.
Childs play 2
you can get tied up from a person of from a trick
epsiode 264 and 269 ash get tied up and in epsidoe 315 thatcher get tied up gagged in 308 may and max get tied up and in 314 may max and ash get tied up and in 419 ash may and max get tied up
Tied Up was created in 1983.
Kinda weird question haha. Yes, I was tied up a few times by friends a while ago, thinking back on it makes me laugh. I think it was because we were playing like some pretend game. Another time I don't know why I was tied up, maybe just for fun haha. But what my friend did after I was tied up was like tape my mouth and then made me try to talk. It was pretty funny!
No, boys usually don't walk up to girls and say "Do I like you?"