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* If you take Birth Control pills you have a very slim chance of getting pregnant It's 1% chance that means that 3 women a year that take the pill MAY become pregnant If you take the pill read the paper insert that comes with the pack it tells you all this and more.

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Q: Do birth control pills kill the baby if you are pregnant?
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Can you get sick if you take birth control pills after you are pregnant?

no, but your baby might be disfigured

If you take four birth control pills can you get rid of your baby?

Birth control pills prevent you from getting pregnant, not help you get rid of the fetus after it's already there.

Is baby at risk if you get pregnant one week after stopping birth control pills?

No, you and your baby should be fine.

If you're pregnant and take diet pills will that harm the baby?

taking birth control if you may be or are pregnant can and will harm the baby. A friend of mine was pregnant and took a pack of birth control pills to terminate the pregnancy, and it worked. so the answer is yes.

If you stop taking birth control pills and become pregnant what is the likelihood the baby will be a girl?

you have a 50-50 chance of being either.

What if you take four birth control pills at a time?

Its not a good idea to take four birth control pills at a time to try and prevent pregnancy because if you already are pregnant, not even four pills can help you now and on top of that you wouldn't want to harm the baby if you already are pregnant. I know someone who had a physically deformed baby because she continued using her birth control pills while pregnant. She thought she would eventually end the pregnancy but she was so wrong. You should throw out your pack if you've missed four pills and start up a new one as soon as your period has come and gone.

CAN birth control make you loose a baby?

Birth control pills can make you miss your period, but I do not think you can loose your baby.

Is it hard to get pregnant if you take birth control pills?

Birth control stops the womans body from having a baby, and let's them enjoy the pleasures of intercourse without the consequences. So think about that. OF COURE IT WOULD!

What if you took like 7 birth control pills at the same time and you may have 4 weeks pregnant will that hurt the baby?

No, its too late after implantation for the hormones to negatively effect the baby.

What are some side effects of stopping birth control pills?

a baby

If you take a lot of pills will it kill the baby?

No, birth control can not be used for abortion.

Will birth control kill the baby?

no it will only makes sure you dont get pregnant if you are pregnant and start taking birth control its doing nothing