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Medications used for herpes, like Valtrex, Famvir, and Zovirax/acyclovir, do not affect the Birth Control pill. Some HIV medications do affect the birth control pill. Contact your pharmacist or health care provider for advice specific to your medication regimen.

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Q: Do antiviral medications affect the birth control pill?
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Does pain medicine affect your birth control effectiveness?

The category of pain medications is so broad that no generalization can be made. Most medications used for pain don't affect how well birth control works. A few medications used as adjunct pain treatment do. You must contact your prescriber or pharmacist for advice specific to your situation.

Do medications for tuberculosis affect the birth control pill?

Isoniazid does not affect hormonal birth control, but rifampin may. If your TB regimen should change, be sure to check out any new possible interactions with your pharmacist or health care provider.

Does penicillin affect birth control?

Penicillin does not affect birth control.

How do doctors know if you are on birth control?

Doctors will know that you are on birth control when you tell them. It is wise to tell your doctor that you are birth control, as it is wise to tell them that you are taking any other medications as well. By telling your doctor that you are on birth control it will help when you need treatment or need to take any other medications such as antibiotics(penicillin, amoxicillin), because there are medications that can lower the effectiveness of your birth control.

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The birth control patch has a failure rate of less than 1% when it is used correctly and consistently. The patch may not protect you from pregnancy if you are taking antibiotics or medications for fungal infections or seizures.

Does Motrin IB affect birth control pills?

Asprin doesn't affect birth control.

Is birth control pill an over the counter drug?

Yep.No. All birth control medications require a prescription.

Is birth control a drug?

Birth control pills, patch, ring, shot, and Mirena IUD contain medications.

Can you get birth control over the counter or does a doctor have to prescribe it?

birth control medications have to be prescribed by a doctor. However birth control condoms are available over the counter.

Does augmentin affect the birth control pill?

Augmentin does not affect how well the birth control pill works.

Does cortisone affect the birth control pill?

Cortisone does not affect how well the birth control pill works.

What section is the condoms at?

By the Pharmacy and the medications, like birth control