Ooh, that's a hard question... Let me think. Could it be something to do with sex, and puberty, and curiosity. Girls and boys have different attachments, so they like to take a closer look when they can, just for educational purposes.
If they're nice guys. And girls can like guys even if he's ugly. :)
Errm... Guys like girls. They like looking at them a lot. Not all guys do that though.
Depends on the guy entirely. Some guys like goth girls, and others don't.
Girls like both guys who are good looking and guys who are not good looking. It depends on the girl, and the guy, and both of their personalities. A girl who doesn't care about looks can like a guy who isn't good looking but has a great personality.
probably half naked!
depends on the girl and where you're looking. most girls like guys who look into their eyes or at their face, but they dont like guys looking at their chest/breasts, butt, and sometimes hips or stomach. but like i said, it depends on what kind of girl it is, but girls don't necessarily liked being looked at by their "body".
Guys like dirty things. I guess they just like looking at the girls bodies. :) Weird, but the truth. :P
If guys make fun of your good looking legs they are probably jealous that the girls like them.
I think they just like it soft, and healthly looking.
some may like it but if they do there not looking for a lasting long relationship but some guys like to chase the girl
I'm gonna make an assumption that most guys enjoy doing any activity naked with girls? Swimming just feels nice..... especially with a girl
Have you ever heard of the word flirt they like they guys so they will start anywhere on there body