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No, being pretty is no direct pass to being loved or liked by boys. If you're annoying, they'll hate you despite the best looks. If you're nice and comfortable to be with, they'll like you despite bad looks.

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Q: Do all boys love pretty girls?
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Well, since all boys are different, some boys don't like pretty girls the best. But those terrible boys who really do like pretty girls the best like them better because they can brag to other people about how pretty their girlfriend is, instead of bragging about how funny or nice she is.

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Nope! And all the girls love them so boys are going to just deal with it! :)

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not all boys are attracted by girls only some ones the relation ship betwwena a boy or girl thats not a part of your family or ur uncle or anty is and love is between both means romance thanks hop i helped

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She looks pretty cool to me and she used to be on some shows like The Amanda Show and All That. And she is pretty nice to other girls and sometimes boys. She likes live. And she loves love. But don't annoy her or she'll be pretty angry.

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It all depends. For such a likeness to exist, there must be love.

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No. boys love/hate girls, while girls... are just girls. well it all depends when girls are bisexual the intend to be closer than a boy and a girl so it bascally depends

Which do you consider most important?

1) Health > happiness > joyful > love > friendship > music > pretty girls/women 2) Health > happiness > joyful > love > friendship > music > pretty girls/women 3) Work > Honesty > travelling > exercises > no drugs > soccer > Olympics > 4) Informatisation > culture > nanotechnology > pictures > pretty girls/women 5) Sleeping well > pretty girls > pretty women > Smile though your heart is aching > Smile even though it's breaking > Love is all > All you need is love > Love forever > 6) Good tasty and healthy food. ( And pretty girls)

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some boys dont mind, but there's always the shallow ones. a pretty smile could be all you need

When was All the Pretty Boys created?

All the Pretty Boys was created in 2005.