HECK NO they dont date he date me KAYLA LAWRENCE CRAZI PEOPLEget it straight
Jacob Latimore was born August 10, 1996 and as of 2016, he is single.
Jacob latimore was around 12 years of age when he had his first kiss! :* xx
That is his real name: Jacob O'Neal Latimore, Jr.
yes of corse
No no no he does not she's 17 and he's 15 they are just friends that's it
No his father is jacob Latimore Sr.
Jacob Latimore
Jacob Latimore, Sr.
Jacob O'Neal latimore
If you have the qualities he is looking for in a girl.
Jacob Latimore is 5'6 currently. He's 15 years of age now.
Jacob Latimore was born August 10, 1996.
Jacob Latimore's favorite number is 17.
Jacob Latimore is going to be in one soon in november
No, Jacob Latimore and Chris Brown are not related.
Jacob Latimore wasborn on August 10, 1996