Jacob Latimore was born August 10, 1996 and as of 2016, he is single.
US singer Rolf Jacob Sartorius is 15 years old (born October 2, 2002).
hi Jacob latimore i was wudering if you could sing on my birthday i live in indinapolis my birthday is June the 15 im goning to be 10 years old and i want to know if you can stay until my party ends and me and you and the rest of my family would like to go to garlfilld park with me and we can go swimming and befor you go you can sing happy birthday to me and what you siad i should follow my dreams my dreams is to become a dancer will my name is avonna Morris i understand that you is 13 or 14 years old but your like my bigest singer ever your my world to me i love you so munch and this is like my best birthday if your here will i hope you get this be careful keep your head up and enor those haters just keep your dreams going love avonna Morris p.s you can go to my face book page my e-maile is avonna Morris you will see my pic i know i look a hot mess.
15 years old
15 years old.
Kelvin is 15 years old!
Jacob Latimore is 21 years old (born August 10, 1996).
Jacob Latimore is 5'6 currently. He's 15 years of age now.
he's 15, so probably not.
No. A 13 year old is a minor.more than likely he will not because he is 15, but if you are mature for your age maybe he will
No no no he does not she's 17 and he's 15 they are just friends that's it
Irène Jacob is 45 years old (birthdate: July 15, 1966).
Probably not because the star himself is 15. But 13 or older probably. This girl would have to be going to high school soon.
Jacob Perez aka Princeton is 15 years old :]
Jacob is 15 years old when he first meets Bella in the Twilight series.
Jacob is the older brother out of 3 kids he is 15 years old he was born August 10, 1996. MERRY CHRIstMAS
Esau was 15 years old as was his twin brother, Jacob.
He's 18 years old as of today (11/15/10)