Take a round and press in the button on the slide and lift up but keep pressure on. The button slowly release the pressure and pull the slide forward
$30 - $70. They're not particularly high quality firearms.
Best to take it to a gunsmith or gun shop, and have them actually show you.
Ask a gunsmith for help
We can't tell how far apart it has been disassembled. You will need to ask a gunsmith for help. It will not be the first time he has been asked to put a gun back together,
make sure empty and safety is off. then disassemble to see what is causing the jam.........
You don't you throw it away, I once owned this gun as a youngster, I was shoot at by gang bangers when I reached for this POS it jammed, I sold it and went with a 44mag bulldog
99 cents OK...no...recent sales on gun auction websites show the L25 to sell from anywhere starting at $40-$50 and I have seen one all black one go for $97, completed auction, reserve met, item sold. I have mine listed for $65 right now on an undisclosed site. Because it's pink. And I hate pink.
Completely disassemble. Clean every part. Clean the clip. Add lithium greeds and walahh
Take it to a gunsmith. There are no instructions I could offer at long distance without knowing HOW it was assembled incorrectly, or if any damage was done in doing so.
It was made by Lorcin, and Lorcin is no longer in business.