It was made by Lorcin, and Lorcin is no longer in business.
Best left to a gunsmith
100 USD
gun shop, gun show.
Lorcin firearms were made by lorcin engineering company,located in mira loma california.They made derringers and semi auto pistols from 1989 to 1999.
Separate both sides from the frame with screwdrivers or the like. Then just wedge it away from the frame and pull it back away from the frame in the back, and it slides off after a little fight.
The one that came with it
25-75 usd
Any unlocked breech, straight blowback pistol - particularly the cheaply made, small calibre models from Raven/Lorcin/Bryco/Jiminez Arms/Davis/any of these other "ring of fire" companies I forgot to add in here.
Revolver or semi-auto?
Anything you want.
Which make & model??