Not surprisingly, the food smells and tastes like smoke. There are a couple reasons for not smoking tobacco products around food: # Smoke and ash can contaminate the food
# If a food handler smokes while working, the hand-mouth action could be a route of microbial contamination of the food.
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what are the disadvantages of a food chain
just as microorganisms have the ability to make our food, they have the ability to spoil it.certain diseases can be caused by bad habits such as smoking or over-eatinginfectious diseases are caused by pathogenic organisms.
Advantages: Smoking can add flavor to food, act as a natural preservative by inhibiting bacterial growth, and create a protective barrier on the food's surface. Disadvantages: Smoking can increase the formation of carcinogenic compounds on the food, it can be time-consuming, and it requires specialized equipment or techniques.
Drying food in the sun/air. Smoking food in the smoke from a fire. Salting food (and then perhaps smoking it).
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Smoking itself does not preserve food. The salting, brining, sugaring, and drying are what act as preservative. The antimicrobial and antioxidant nature of smoking helps in the process, but the act of smoking alone does not keep food safe.
The advantages of smoking food is that it preserves the food by killing bacteria either by the application of heat:- Hot smoking. Or in cold smoking by killing bacteria by the infusion of phenols and other wood resins found in the smoke.
The disadvantages are if we cut them we have no food no oxygen
You get hungry & eat all the food in the house. You don't feel like going to work (or doing anything labor intensive for that matter).
biology solved our problem such as smoking problem: first you have to ask your self what does smoking mean, does smoking have any advantage in my life you have to make assumption, you have to test or experiment on your lab the cigarette and at last you have to conclude your answer. you will discover the disadvantages of the smoking and you will know that smoking lets you to die