in token bucket ,when the bucket is full tokens are discarded ,packets are never.on other hand leaky bucket packets are discarded when bucket is full.
token bucket algo can
An important difference between two traffic shaping algorithms: token bucket throws away tokens when the bucket is full but never discards packets while leaky bucket discards packets when the bucket is full. Unlike leaky bucket, token bucket allows saving, up to maximum size of bucket n. This means that bursts of up to n packets can be sent at once, giving faster response to sudden bursts of input. Leaky bucket forces bursty traffic to smooth out, token bucket permits burstiness but bounds it. Token bucket has no discard or priority policy. Token bucket when compared to leaky bucket, is easy to implement. Each flow needs just a counter to count tokens and a timer to determine when to add new tokens to the counter.
Token Ring1 Token on Network4 mbps or 16 mbps1 RingSTP or UTPFDDIMultiple Tokens100 mbpsdistance 100kmFiber used in most implementationsDual RingInternetworking with Cisco and Microsoft Technologies, pg. 237
- Network traffic - Implementation - Type of data transmitted
no. The differences between ethernet and token ring are greater then the frame type. Ethernet uses CDMA and token ring uses.....well a token. Token ring adapters have an on-board processor for source route bridging which uses a RIF field and ethernet has nothing of the sort. There are many more examples, but the simple answer is it will not work. fm
In a token bus network architecture, the nodes at either end of the bus do not actually meet. In a token ring, the network logically functions as a ring, but is wired as a star.
A zoo token is worth between $2-400,000,000, depending on the age.
Fddi can be further connected to other networks whereas token ring is individual network of computers.
HTB can mean either one of the following: Heavens to Betsy; Heterotopic Bone; Hexagonal Tungsten Bronze; Hierarchical Token Bucket or High-Tension Battery.
One or many lexemes can belong to same token(category) and when lexeme recognized by a scanner to be in a some category that category returned as the token. A lexeme is a section of text, which represents a token. For example in case of a number there are many lexemes representing the same token; for example: "12", "14.8" or "1001". Such general tokens are described by patterns of text.
Token-based media access is a controlled media access method in which computers pass a special sequence of bits between them; only the node holding this token can transmit on the network. After transmitting its data, or if it has no data to transmit, a node passes the token to the next computer on the network. Neeraj
There are no purely functional differences between a token ring token bus implementation and FDDI. In fact, the token bus is defined in IEEE 802.4, and FDDI's topology derives from that very standard. Think of FDDI as being a subset of 802.4. Refer to RFC 1042 ( for more details.The remainder of my entry doesn't really apply to this question and is more subjective, but I do try to outline some other non-functional differences between the two standards.Apart from functional differences, the obvious ones can be broken into a couple different parts off the top of my head: physical and application. The physical difference is that Token Ring pretty much uses coax cable as its medium while FDDI conspicuously uses fiber. From an application standpoint, Token Ring is short distance (coax has a maximum attenuation distance of 500 meters) while FDDI can traverse far greater distances while attaining greater throughput. As a result, FDDI would be much more scalable, supportive of many more users, and primarily used in large geographically-demanding environments but pricey; on the other hand, token ring would be for less scalable environments but cheaper.Another non-functional difference would be noise immunizations. FDDI is inherently immune to most interferences that coax implementations would be heir to. Fluorescent lighting, various frequencies, and other causes of noise to fiber would not affect it in the same adverse manner that would apply to coax.
That's called a "token".That's called a "token".That's called a "token".That's called a "token".