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Granulation tissue is characterised by the presence of new blood vessels, fibroblasts and mononuclear cells in an edemateous extracellular matrix.

A granuloma is a specific form of chronic inflammation characterised by the prescence of epitheloid macrophages and giant cells (either foreign body giant cells or Langerhaan giant cells) surrounded by a collar of fibroblasts and lymphocytes. Central necrosis may or may not be present.

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Q: Differences between granuloma and granulation tissue?
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What term is used to describe small knotlike swellings of granulation tissue in the epidermis?

Granulomagranulomagranuloma is the answer

What produces granulation tissue?

Granulation tissue is derived from the endothelial lining of blood vessels.

Does Granulation tissue form normally during the healing of a wound?

Granulation tissue:the tissue that normally forms during the healing of a wound. This tissue eventually forms the scar.

What is the difference between a Residual tumor and granulation tissue?

The difference between the two is that granulation tissue is tissue that forms in the process of wound healing while residual tumor is either a benign or malignant growth that is still present after some type of tumor removal surgery. It is sometimes difficult to differentiate between the two and MRIs are often used for this problem.

If you have granulation tissue in your vagtina what exactly in inhibiting the sperm and preventing conception?

Granulation tissue contains macrophages and neutrophils that "eat" old tissue and protects the new tissue from bacteria which also repels sperm

Why does an open wound need a bed of granulation tissue for wound healing to occur?

Granulation tissue forms new capillary beds that provide oxygen-rich blood for the healing process.

Why would an open wound would need a bed of granulation for wound healing to occur?

Granulation tissue is tissue with good blood circulation and adequate blood supply is needed for a wound to heal.

During the phase of tissue repair capillary buds invade the clot forming a delicate pink tissue?

Granulation tissue

Can an MRI differentiate between granulation tissue and fibrosis?

Usually it can because fibrosis will be dark on T1 and T2 weighted sequences (except in the liver). Granulation tissue is variable but not dark on both, and is vascularized, so it will enhace early after contrast administration. Fibrosis only enhances late after contrast administration.

Is it true that organization is replacement of a blood clot by granulation tissue?


What does growth of a new capillary supply into a region produce?

granulation tissue

What is Lypogranuloma?

lipogranuloma is an inflammation of adipose tissue containing granulation tissue and oil cysts by a foreign body.