The means of transport is the vehicle used to move from A to B.
The mode of transport refers to the medium in or on which the movement takes place:1. inland surface (street, rail, inland water way); 2. sea (ocean, coastal); 3. air; 4. pipeline;
transport is the means by where goods are moved from to a specified place whereas transportation is the act or the mode of transport
To get from my home to my place of work, my means (mode) of transport is by a bus ride. Though in summer, my mode of transport is by bicycle.
it means to cycle for transport to help envioronment
To get from my home to my place of work, my means of transport is by a bus ride. Though in summer, my mode of transport is by bicycle.
You can travel by Indian rail way trains. By economy class, it is the cheapest mode of transport across the country.
The only way to transport between Ireland and England in 1800 was by boats and ships.
Difference between tunnel and transport mode?11 months agoReport Abuserahul_g1...Best Answer - Chosen by VotersIPSec can be run in either tunnel mode or transport mode. Each of these modes has its own particular uses and care should be taken to ensure that the correct one is selected for the solution: •Tunnel mode is most commonly used between gateways, or at an end-station to a gateway, the gateway acting as a proxy for the hosts behind it.•Transport mode is used between end-stations or between an end-station and a gateway, if the gateway is being treated as a host-for example, an encrypted Telnet session from a workstation to a router, in which the router is the actual destination.As Figure 1 shows, basically transport mode should be used for end-to-end sessions and tunnel mode should be used for everything else. (Refer to the figure for the following discussion.)Figure 1 Tunnel and transport modes in IPSec.Figure 1 displays some examples of when to use tunnel versus transport mode:•Tunnel mode is most commonly used to encrypt traffic between secure IPSec gateways, such as between the Cisco router and PIX Firewall (as shown in example A in Figure 1). The IPSec gateways proxy IPSec for the devices behind them, such as Alice's PC and the HR servers in Figure 1. In example A, Alice connects to the HR servers securely through the IPSec tunnel set up between the gateways.•Tunnel mode is also used to connect an end-station running IPSec software, such as the Cisco Secure VPN Client, to an IPSec gateway, as shown in example B.•In example C, tunnel mode is used to set up an IPSec tunnel between the Cisco router and a server running IPSec software. Note that Cisco IOS software and the PIX Firewall sets tunnel mode as the default IPSec mode.•Transport mode is used between end-stations supporting IPSec, or between an end-station and a gateway, if the gateway is being treated as a host. In example D, transport mode is used to set up an encrypted Telnet session from Alice's PC running Cisco Secure VPN Client software to terminate at the PIX Firewall, enabling Alice to remotely configure the PIX Firewall securely
Transportation is the way of travelling more or less mode of transport while a travel agency is an organisation which transports people or goods from one place to other.
Since transport in this case means the act of moving something then the question means do reindeer move things? Yes, they do as they are used to pull sleds in Sammi culture.
water transport
Take off would normally refer to either a mode of transport or an item that is covering (something). Take out often means to take something out of something of a larger surface area. For example taking a pin out of a box. And "Prepare for take off!"
nothing they are both the same