In bit oriented Protocol, a flag is used to frame the bits sent. Simply put, you have a fllag (01111110) and the required bits are sent after the flag and you end the transmission again with a flag. Using this method you can send any number of bits of any length. Another important fact is the zero insertion method used. Say for example, you want to send the bit string 01111110. You cannot do this because it will be interpreted as a flag. However, by adding a zero after 5 consecutive 1's as a standard, this bit stream can be send. The transmitter sends the string as 011111010 and the receiver removes the zero after 5 consecutive 1's and stores the data as 01111110
In byte oriented protocol(character oriented protocol) the receiver considers 8 bits at a time and figuers out the relevant character. This system is used when communicating with printers and keyboards which use ASCII characters exclusively. (All the ASCII characters can be covered by 8 bits (256 characters). The main disadvantade of COP is that you cannot send 9 or 10 bits, arbitrary bits. Furthermore, in COP there are special characters - channel control characters, eg- SYN character which is used to synchronize the receiver and the transmitter. These characters cannot be transferred as data. They will be misread as control characters.
Gpss and simscript is the difference between gpss and simscript::: simscript:event oriented and gpss:transaction flow oriented.
Rip V1 is Classful routing protocol Rip V2 is Classless routing Protocol
The difference is that a GenericServlet has no defined protocol (it is "generic"), while HttpServler uses the HTTP protocol. HttpServlet is a subclass of GenericServlet with the purpose of creating a servlet for a web site.
Difference between paging and what?
just difference
Different from a connectionless protocol, a connection-oriented protocol guaranties the delivery of the information. An example of connection-oriented protocol is (TCP) and a connectionless protocol is (UDP). TCP is a connection-oriented protocol, it makes a connection and checks whether the data is received, and resends if it is not. UDP is a connectionless protocol, it does not guarantee delivery by first connecting and checking whether data is received.
- In your own words, define the term 'protocol' and what is the difference between protocol and protocol suite
Different from a connectionless protocol, a connection-oriented protocol guaranties the delivery of the information. An example of connection-oriented protocol is (TCP) and a connectionless protocol is (UDP). page/926 A+
etiquette is what, and protocol is when
Gpss and simscript is the difference between gpss and simscript::: simscript:event oriented and gpss:transaction flow oriented.
The difference between a link and an interface is the protocol used.
There is no notable difference.
both are same...
The difference between generic and specific task oriented rubric is that whereas one is holistic, the other one is analytic. The generic oriented rubric is holistic while the specific task oriented is analytic.
java is a programming language/platform that embodies object oriented programming concepts. The question of what is the difference is like asking what is the difference between cars and a Volvo.