- In your own words, define the term 'protocol' and what is the difference between
protocol and protocol suite
In internet protocol suite UDP is the connectionless protocol. There is no initial communication between client and server. UDP will not check whether the transmission was successful.
Microsoft Word 2007 is a single program - a word-processor. OpenOffice is a suite of programsincorporating a word-processor, spreadsheet and database programs (and others).
Network protocols allows computers to speak with each other. The most common protocol used today is TCP/IP, or the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol suite. Other protocols are still in use but are in fairly rapid decline as more devices and software standardize themselves to Internet connectivity.
If you're installing something - you're setting it up for the first time. If you're upgrading - you're replacing something that's already there by a more up to date version. Take the 'Open Office' software suite for example. I first installed it when it was version 1.4, from a CD-ROM in a computer magazine. I'm now using version 3.2 - which has been upgraded via the internet. Each successive version has over-written the previous one.
The protocol stack used on the Internet is the Internet Protocol Suite. It is usuallycalled TCP/IP after two of its most prominent protocols, but there are other protocolsas well. The TCP/IP model is based on a fi ve-layer model for networking. Frombottom (the link) to top (the user application), these are the physical, data link, network,transport, and application layers. Not all layers are completely defi ned by themodel, so these layers are "fi lled in" by external standards and protocols. The layershave names but no numbers, and although sometimes people speak of "Layer 2" or"Layer 3," these are not TCP/IP terms. Terms like these are actually from the OSI ReferenceModel.The TCP/IP stack is open, which means that there are no "secrets" as to how itworks. (There are "open systems" too, but with TCP/IP, the systems do not have to be"open" and often are not.) Two compatible end-system applications can communicateregardless of their underlying architectures, although the connections between layersare not defi ned.The term "protocol stack" is often used synonymously with "protocol suite" as animplementation of a reference model. However, the term "protocol suite" properlyrefers to a collection of all the protocols that can make up a layer in the referencemodel. The Internet protocol suite is an example of the Internet or TCP/IP referencemodel protocols, and a TCP/IP protocol stack implements one or more ofthese protocols at each layer.
Airtunes are a method for listening to your iTunes by using software developed by Apple. It is a proprietary protocol suite or stack that was developed by Apple.
The protocol suite is Appletalk.
The difference between an apartment and a suit is that a suite is a 2 room unit. An apartment has several rooms.
In internet protocol suite UDP is the connectionless protocol. There is no initial communication between client and server. UDP will not check whether the transmission was successful.
The DHCP protocol.
Protocol Suite in regards to the network fundamentals in Cisco questions.
The Internet relies on primarily the TCP/IP protocol suite.
TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.TCP/IP is a "protocol suite", i.e., a group of related protocols, protocols that work together. It is named after two of the most important protocols, TCP and IP - but the TCP/IP stack is made up of many more protocols, it is not just those two.
The precise differences between an Executive and Presidential Suite will vary by hotel. Commonly though, a Presidential Suite is larger than an Executive Suite and will have more or higher quality amenities.