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A preferd diet should consist of about 1/3 protein and 2/3 carbs and "good fats" AND of course Excersize

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Q: Diet that's high in salt and fat and low in fiber?
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What's a good diet plan for diabetics?

A diet in low-sugar, low-salt, high fiber and protein is usually a good and healthy diet for diabetics. Also limiting your intake of carbs is beneficial.

Are chips high in sugar starch or fiber?

salt and fat

What are the risks of a high salt diet?

high blood pressure

What diet thyroid person take?

it is usually more difficult for hypothyroidism patient to lose weight because their bodies don't respond the same way to calorie intake. You will need to be extra careful with your diet, more fiber and less refined sugar.

Does a low cholesterol diet limit your use of salt?

A low cholesterol diet probably limits your use of salt as some things that are high in cholesterol usually have a high amount of salt in them and you would need to avoid these.

What happens when you have to much salt in your diet?

Usually if you have too much salt in your diet it can lead to you feeling sluggish, bloated, and can cause high blood pressure.

Why do some people need to be on a low salt diet?

High amounts of salt in the diet are associated with high blood pressure, which can lead to heart disease and death in some cases. For some people, reducing the amount of salt in the diet reduces blood pressure and the risk of heart attack.

Is there a good diet plan for people with high blood pressure?

Diet plays a big part in progression of high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure then you want to find a diet that is low is salt intake. One of these diets is the DASH diet.

Why should you limit sugar and salt in your diet?

possible diabetis, and high blood pressure

Should older people use salt?

Anyone with high blood pressure or heart problems needs to watch salt in their diet.

What diet a pneumonia patient should take with other problems as sugar and high Blood pressure?

the perfect diet would be a low GI diet with no added salt.

What is a good high blood pressure diet?

An excellent high blood pressure diet is the Dash diet also known as Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. One of the most important things to do is decrease sodium and salt.