

Did slaves work naked

Updated: 9/27/2023
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15y ago

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Depends on the culture and the climate. I think the slave labourers in the Soviet Gulags never worked naked. As brutal as it was they were provided with clothing and most importantly winter clothing. They probably did in the Caribbean but not in the Southern states where it was considered offensive. In some cultures slaves such as ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia went naked all the time.

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Did slaves that were mound builders go naked?

There is no evidence to suggest that slaves who were mound builders went naked. Slaves in mound-building societies would likely have worn clothing similar to the rest of the population, which would have varied depending on the culture and time period.

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it depends if the workers are hot

Egyptian miner get paid?

Nothing as most miners were slaves. They would have received food, water and shelter but probably not clothing. As slaves they went naked.