are you stupid? they were slaves they where picking cotton during blizzards
great grand daughter of a slave
Slaves pick cotton by hand.
slaves were used on plantations to grow and pick the cotton
The growth of the cotton plantation demanded more slaves to work, pick, and grown the cotton. In looking at statistics of the numbers of bales of cotton there is a relationship to the number of slaves. More cotton meant more slaves.
Slaves were used to plant, tend, pick, and process the cotton.
The Cotton Gin helped the slaves pick the seeds out of the cotton>
Slaves pick cotton by hand.
pick cotton
Slaves were the free labor that the farmers needed to harvest the cotton>
slaves were used on plantations to grow and pick the cotton
Yes, slaves had to pick king cotton; "King Cotton" is just another name for Cotton during the times of slavery before the American Civil War. It was a phrase used in those times since cotton was so important.
bye helping slaves with there cotton pick and turning into clothes
The growth of the cotton plantation demanded more slaves to work, pick, and grown the cotton. In looking at statistics of the numbers of bales of cotton there is a relationship to the number of slaves. More cotton meant more slaves.
In the Southern States, slaves did almost all of the work. The Southern states relied heavily on cotton and they had slaves do the work. Slaves would pick cotton which isn't very pleasant, and before the Cotton Gin, slaves had to seperate the cotton fibers from their seeds.
Pick cotton in the south and clean
Slaves were used to plant, tend, pick, and process the cotton.
Cotton is currently picked by machine. They used to have slaves pick the cotton in the south by hand. You seem to have forgotton the people (both white & black) that picked cotton after the slaves & before the cotton picking machines.
so the slaves really did not have to pick them and, clean them all they had to do was get the cotton and put it in the cotton gin .