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No, Santa is a real person that gives you presents

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Q: Did coca cola make Santa Claus?
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What can you do to a rubber band to make it last longer?

Put less stress on it. I also heard about something with cola and acid, but i doubt that's true.

Does Santa Claus have a magic key?

Obviously if Santa doesn't exist, he doesn't have or need any keys. You have to make up your own mind on that. In the legend of Santa Claus, I would still say that he doesn't need a magic key; he supposedly enters people's houses by way of the chimney, and chimneys are not locked, and therefore do not need keys. For the houses and apartments that do not have chimneys, Santa definitely would possess magical methods of entering.

Does Santa go to the toilet while delivering presents?

As Santa Claus is a fictional character, the concept of him going to the toilet while delivering presents is not addressed in traditional folklore or stories. The portrayal of Santa Claus varies in different cultures and media, but generally, his magical abilities and focus on delivering gifts to children take precedence over mundane bodily functions. Ultimately, the idea of Santa using the toilet is not a common or traditional aspect of his character.

How does Santa Claus get in your house if you don't have a chimney?

Santa is magic! Santa is very, very tubby - its all those mince pies people feed him and even if you do have a chimney he could never fit down it without magic, Think about it, if he did not have magic he would always be covered in soot! So you see Santa can make himself very small to fit through chimneys and if you haven't one he will find a crack under the door or an air vent to get in to leave you your presents so don't worry. Merry Christmas - Ho Ho Ho.

How did santa make all the elves work for him?

Okay, so this is how it happened. Santa was walking along up in the north pole all lost and alone and stuff. He walked up on this village where there were all of these tiny people. They were cold and hungry and had no toys for they're children. Santa helped them. He taught them how to build and make shelter for themselves. In return they became friends and aided santa in his quest to make gifts for all the children of the world. That's they truth, don't believe me ask santa.

Related questions

Which company made the concept of Santa Claus popular in the US?

Santa Claus was not invented by a company. He was a Saint who was the patron saint of children. He loved children and performs miracles to make them happy (Christmas). People say Santa Claus is not real. That is because they lost faith and hope. The mystery of Santa Claus brings faith and hope to children all over the world. If you don't have faith and hope, Santa is not real. If you do, he is very real. The secret of Santa Claus will never be found out. Santa does not become real by a company or seeing him. He becomes real by faith and hope.

When did Coca-Cola create Santa Claus?

Coca-Cola NEVER created Santa Claus. For example, the poem ''Twas a Night before Christmas'' was published in 1823. Coca-Cola was made in 1886. Santa Claus is actually a mixture of different winter gift givers from Northern Europe. Also, Coca-Cola never made Santa red and white either. Coca-Cola only helped to make Santa more like his modern image of a jolly fat man in red and white.

What soft drink company was the first to use Santa Claus advertisement?

Coca Cola. They were also the first people to make santa wear red. He used to wear Green

Did Coca-Cola make Santa red?

oh yes totally!

Did coke make up Santa?

Coca Cola did not make up Santa Claus, but they were the first to red him in red - to match their brand. Santa was traditionally dressed in green.

Did the coca-acola company make Santa Claus up?

No why would they he is real

How do you make a Santa Claus?

You can draw Santa Claus or make him out of clay.

What is the best sweet for making coca cola explosions?

Put alot of Pop Rocks in the Coca Cola bottle.(make sure there is alot of Coca Cola though)

Why do they make Coca-Cola?

To make money.

What are the effects of Coca Cola on your teeth?

coca cola turn your teach brown and make it feel funny

What are Coca-Cola aims and objectives How do Coca-Cola meet this aims?

To make money by selling beverages.

Can aspirin mixed with coca cola make unconscious?

Aspirin and Coca-cola are perfectly safe to take together.