As Santa Claus is a fictional character, the concept of him going to the toilet while delivering presents is not addressed in traditional folklore or stories. The portrayal of Santa Claus varies in different cultures and media, but generally, his magical abilities and focus on delivering gifts to children take precedence over mundane bodily functions. Ultimately, the idea of Santa using the toilet is not a common or traditional aspect of his character.
All reading materials are appropriate, except for study material and difficult books. It might be hard to make useful notes while on the toilet. Magazines are the best choice. The time it takes to read one article will usually not exceed the appropriate time for using of the toilet.
Getting shot in the head. Slipping into the shower because you peed on your leg. Being thrown off a balcony while peeing off of it. Taking a leak and a greyhound bus driven by a polar bear from the coke commercials slams through your bathroom wall. Chuck Norris appears from inside the toilet and pulls you by your wang into the toilet and drowns you. Peeing in public and a police man tries to arrest you and accidentally slips on the ice and you slide down the sidewalk into oncoming traffic while peeing on your own face. yes there are many ways to die while taking a leak. thank you for your time.
General Dynamics is an aerospace and defense company. The company's vision statement is, "General Dynamics focuses on creating shareholder value while delivering superior products and services to military, other government and commercial customers. The company emphasizes excellence in program management and continual improvement in all of its operations."
Yes you can get pregnant while on your period -
why some have depressed navels while others have protruding navels.
Oh I don't know maybe over a million
they stand there and wait for santa to return from delivering the Christmas presents. and sometimes, children leave them a little snack too, so they might munch on that while they're awaiting Santa's return.
As Santa Clause is not real, kid's parents put the presents under the tree and in the stockings while the kids are sleeping.
Santa Claus typically arrives in Las Vegas on Christmas Eve night, after he has finished delivering presents to children around the world. He visits while people are asleep and leaves surprises for them to wake up to on Christmas Day.
Santa Claus traditionally lands his sleigh on the rooftops of houses while delivering presents on Christmas Eve. He is known to travel using his magic and reindeer to reach homes around the world.
While there are many conflicting reports, many people think the job of wrapping millions of presents for all the good boys and girls of the world is done by Santa's elves.
well santa delivers presents, polar bears they drink coca-cola while penguins wrap gifts.
This depends on where one lives in Mexico. In the north, the equivalent of Santa Clause ("Santa Clos") brings large presents, while the Three Wise Men bring small presents on Epiphany, December 6. In the south of Mexico, the Christ Child brings small presents at Christmas, but the large presents are delivered by the Three Wise Men.
No. Santa only visits the houses of children that are sleeping!
Santa Claus trackers are used to entertain children on Christmas Eve as they can watch Santa's journey all round the world while he delivers their presents. The best known tracker is from NORAD.
yea Santas not real its just your mum and dad in the middle of the night while your sleeping putting presents under the tree
It is related to the santa claus. That he is in the form of your mother. That baby signifies presents that you will get.