The general value of these rifles is between 375-550 dollars,depending on overall condition.
Your Browning BAR semi-auto rifle was one of the first ones made and imported from Belgium in the year 1967.The M7 suffix is the indicator of the year of manufacture.In 1967 Browning began selling the BAR line of rifles.
Browning Automatic Rilfe
Besides a number of books published on Browning, and some of the gun collector forums (google Browning collectors) you might start with Browning. They have a website, and are still in business making very nice rifles, shotguns, and pistols.
As far as I know browning did not have any firearms made for them in australia.
Depends on the specifics of the one you have.
Rifles can be purchased from the manufacturers such as Browning or Smith & Wesson. Rifles can also be purchased from third-party stores such as Amazon.
Browning has made centerfire lever action rifles in various calibers over the decades.
On the webste for Browning firearms, under customer service.