usually the serial number has a code which identifies the year made.
Check the barrel and receiver.
it think you will find the long gun of the calvary at the little big horn were carbines, not rifles...
Browning serial numberb28564
The Browning wwebsite, under customer service, has serial number ranges for different firearms. Yu should find yours there. VERY nice rifles, great caliber.
I cannot find the answer on the Browning site. All the serial numbvers there have SIX digits. My cal. 16 has five numbers too. Serial numbers X58301-X74000 were manufactured in 1952.
The Browning website, under customer Service, has date-of-manufacture by serial number for many of the model firearms that they made. However, you did not tell us the model- and Browning made rifles, shotguns, and pistols- so we can't even guess at what you have- but find the model, and visit their website. Your Browning was made in 1990
No- but if you find the serial number on the pistol, go to the Browning website. Browning has seachable production records based on model numbers, and serial numbers within that model.
You will have to call Browning with the serial number to find out.
Call Browning
You must call Browning with the serial number to find out.
Serial numbers were not required on long arms before Jan 1, 1969. Most manufacturers did not assign serial numbers to small caliber rifles or utility shotguns.