No, Winchester did not. With a few very exceptions, Winchester under a Gentleman's agreement with Colt, did not make handguns of any type. There were a number of different firearms manufacturers (Colt, Smith & Wesson, H&R, Iver Johnson, etc.) that did make revolvers that were chambered and marked for the 32 Winchester Ctg (a.k.a. 32 W.C.F. or 32-20). Bert H.
Winchester did not make a revolver in 32-20.
It is not a Winchester revolver. It might be chambered for the '.32 Winchester' cartridge (.32/20) which leads me to believe it might be Spanish. What are the markings on the gun?
I don't believe it's a Winchester, you might want to look closer.There was a spanish made revolver chambered for 32 Winchester, could that be it?
32 caliber... "32 W.S." is the designation for the 32 caliber Winchester Special cartridge.
Depends entirely on which .32 caliber gun. A small .32 Auto might have an effective range of 25 yards, a long barreled 32-20 revolver 80 yards, and a .32 Winchester rifle 200 yards.
Winchester did not make revolvers,only rifles and shotguns,even in the 1920,s.
32-20. Does not interchange with other .32s. Good cartridge, good revolver.
it's a Winchester modal 1924 it is a 32 cal. revolver
You need the services of a gunmsith.