32 caliber... "32 W.S." is the designation for the 32 caliber Winchester Special cartridge.
Of the 20,580 Model 55 Rifles that were manufactured, appoximately 81% (or 16670) were Take Downs. The Solid Frame Model 55 is the rarest Winchester model configuration ever made. If you can provide me with the serial number and caliber, I can tell you whne it was made, and the overall statistical numbers.
Your Sears Model 2C rifle was made by Winchester as their Model 131. SOME parts are available from Numrich Gun Parts Corp. See link below that will take you to the Numrich catalog for the Winchester 131.
There is a screw underneath the barrel on the end of the frame, take out the screw, take out the mag, and open the bolt. Then just pull the frame off of the gun.
Your Winchester model 1873 which was made in 1883,was a model 1873 third model which started at serial number 90,000.early model 1873,s were not marked for a caliber since they were chambered only for the 44-40 Winchester.I would say that your third model should be marked for caliber on the barrel just ahead of the receiver,and on the brass elevator.If there is any doubt I would have a good gunsmith take a chamber cast of the gun while determining if the rifle is in good enough condition to shoot.I would also look for the marking 44WCF on the places indicated.
take it to a gunsmith
All Winchester model 12's are take-down designs. Winchester made a model 25 which is solid frame and very similar to the model 12.
don't take down a Winchester model 52, the way they bedded the rifle was a mystery. It may never shoot the same if you take it apart.
Winchester 1886 take down ValuesThe Winchester 1886, take down, in 95% is one of the more collectable model 1886 rifles. If un altered and in 95%, the rifle can bring from $7,000 to $12,000 from many collectors. At really slow auctions, I have seen them bring as little as $5,000.00 Mark S. Johnson Gun Smith/ master Stock Maker
To find out the value of a Winchester Model 8422, take it to a local gun dealer. They will be able to examine it and determine a value for you.
You need a manual. Contact Winchester or find a gunsmith and ask for help.
all winchester model 1894 rifles are marked on the barrel with the caliber they are chambered in.If yours is old enough then the chambering could be worn off through use and time.You will then need to measure the diameter of the barrel,buy measuring the lands and then the grooves.This is best left to a gunsmith.He may also take a casting of the chamber and determine the cartridge that your rifle was chambered for.