Yes, there was a mandatory census so they could be counted. They traveled a long way, too!
Jesus was born in Bethlehem because Octavian made all Jewish people go back to Bethlehem for a census (count of how many Jewish people there were)Another perspective: Jesus was born in Bethlehem so that prophecy would be fulfilled. Micah 5:2 - "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Though you are little among the thousands of Judah, Yet out of you shall come forth to Me The One to be Ruler in Israel, Whose goings forth are from of old, From everlasting." [NKJV]Because God so decided it and thus it was prophesied in Mcah 5.2
Because of the place they first were living, in Nazareth, they spoke Koine Greek, which was the language of the Government. They had to speak Hebrew to be able to go to the temple for worship, or to read the Holy Writings. They were in Egypt for a while, so they had to at least speak a little Egyptian and possibly other languages that are dead now. Although Greek was the international language of the New Testament period, most historians say that Jesus also spoke Aramaic at home with Joseph and Mary.
Bob and Mary go to the movies every Saturday. Bob and Mary is the compound subject; go is the plural verb.
No record of this in the Bible
Joseph Brant (Go Eagles!)
Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be counted in a census so they could be taxed.
Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the census because it was a requirement by the government for all residents to return to their ancestral hometowns to be counted.
Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem , as it was told to go to their respective hometowns for the census.
a person
The emperor announced that everyone in the land had to be counted. Men had to return to their hometown. There they would tell their name and what land they owned. Jospeh belonged to the family line of David. King David's birthplace was Bethlehem. So he went to be counted. Like a census.
No. They went because Casear ordered a CENSUS of all the people. A CENSUS is when the people are counted. Men had to take their wives and children, if they had them, to the city of their birth.
Mary and Joseph were obliged to go to Bethlehem for the census by the Roman authorities. In a sense you could also say God led them, since it was ordained that Christ would be born in Bethlehem.
A:In Luke's Gospel, Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethelehem from Nazareth for a census and stayed in a stable, there being no room in the inn. In Matthew's Gospel, Bethlehem was the home town of Mary and Joseph, and the only reference is to the house where the magi visited them. In this account, the house is presumably their own home.
Matthew's Gospel indicates that Mary and Joseph were from Bethlehem in Judea. While returning from Egypt, they were warned in a dream to turn aside and go to Nazareth in Galilee, instead. Luke's Gospel says that Mary and Joseph were from Nazareth in Galilee. They travelled to Bethlehem for a census, then returned to Nazareth.
There are, as you know, two Bible stories about Christmas. The one in the gospel of St. Luke says that there was a census in Judea at the time and the people from Galilee were included. However, so the story goes, people were not to be counted in the place they actually lived, which for Mary and Joseph would have been Nazareth, but were required to go to the city associated with their ancestors, which in Joseph's case meant Bethlehem. (Luke 2:4) In St. Matthew's Gospel it is suggested that Joseph and Mary lived in Bethlehem to start out with. They were obliged to emigrate because they were warned that King Herod was planning to massacre all of the boy-children in Bethlehem and so went to Egypt. When they returned from Egypt, they did not go back to Bethlehem (they were still suspicious of the government) and instead settled in Nazareth (Matt 3:22-23) It is clear that they had never lived there before.