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because there was a census that was being done and every man had to go to their own hometown.

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Q: Why were Joseph and Mary traveling to Bethlehem?
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Why were Mary and Joseph travelling just before the birth of Jesus?

Joseph and Mary were traveling as a decree had gone out by Augustus that all must register in their own town. So Joseph was traveling with Mary to Bethlehem.

Why did Mary and Joseph travel alone to Bethlehem?

Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem , as it was told to go to their respective hometowns for the census.

Where was Mary's husband from?

Joseph's ancestral home was Bethlehem. However, at the time he took Mary as his wife he was living in Nazareth.

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Why did Mary move to Bethlehem?

She traveled there with her husband Joseph, whose family was from Bethlehem.

What event brought Joseph and Mary to Bethlehem?

a census

Who directed Mary and Joseph To Go To Bethlehem?

a person

Did Mary and Joseph go to Bethlehem on a camel?


Why did Mary and Joseph have to go to Bethlehem for the census?

Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem for the census because it was a requirement by the government for all residents to return to their ancestral hometowns to be counted.

Why did Joseph and Mary go to the city?

Joseph and Mary went to Bethlehem to be counted in a census so they could be taxed.

What form of transportation did Mary and Joseph use to get to Bethlehem?

Mary rode on a donkey, and I assume, Joseph walked at the side.

Where were Mary and Joseph traveling to when Jesus was born?

We have no reliable records of where Mary and Joseph were born, but can reasonably assume that they were probably born in the town where they continued to live in later life. This was either Bethlehem or Nazareth. According to the Gospel According to St Matthew, the home town of Mary and Joseph appears to have been Bethlehem, near Jerusalem in Judea. But, Luke's Gospel says that their home town was Nazareth in Galilee.