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He wants the continuation of slavery duh.

A major general in the confederates army


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Hong Yeu Lee

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Q: Did John c Breckinridge support slavery or opposed slavery?
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Did john c. Breckinridge support slavery?


Was John Breckinridge against slavery?

he was fore it

What was John Breckinridge party's platform?

He wanted expansion of slavery in the territories. :(

What has the author John C Breckinridge written?

John C. Breckinridge has written: 'The substance of a speech by Hon. John C. Breckinridge' -- subject(s): Accessible book, Politics and government, Democratic (Southern), Slavery, Campaign literature, 1860

What is the birth name of John Breckinridge?

John Breckinridge's birth name is John Cabell Breckinridge.

What party split its support between Stephen a Douglas and john breckinridge?

Democratic party

Which two presidential candidates in 1860 took directly opposing positions on slavery in the western territories?

Republican Abraham Lincoln and southern Democrat John C. Breckinridge -Novanet

What nicknames did John Breckinridge go by?

John Breckinridge went by Bunny.

How did John C breckinridge feel about slavery?

John Breckinridge was absolutely for the continuation of slavery, evidenced by the fact that he ran for President in 1860 as the candidate for the pro-slavery Democratic party and was a Major General in the Confederate Army (he also served as Secretary of War for the CSA).

What is John Breckinridge's birthday?

John Breckinridge was born on December 2, 1760.

When was John Breckinridge born?

John Breckinridge was born on December 2, 1760.

What is John C. Breckinridge's birthday?

John C. Breckinridge was born on January 16, 1821.