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Gatling guns. They were on a wheeled mount, pulled by horses- and he felt they would slow him down too much.

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Q: Custer refused to take this kind of gun with him?
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How do you repair a paintball gun?

Depends on what kind of gun you have. I would take it to the local paintball store.

How can a gun be refused?

Try something like "No thanks, I don't want this gun".

What kind of batteries does a Nerf spectre gun take?

is doesn't need batteries

Before the Battle of Little Bighorn General Custer was offered what weapon that he turned down?

I am pretty sure it was the gattling gun....

What kind of trouble can you get for shotting an airsoft gun in Maryland?

not much but do not take off the ornge tipe

What weapon did General Custer turn down before the battle of bighorn?

The Gatling Gun, six of them, on the grounds they they would slow his advance.

Does it matter what kind airsoft ammo you use?

Yes I have a bunch of airsoft gun's and i have used ammo that is the wrong size... and i clogged the gun and had to take it apart to get it out.

How do you have to be to get gun liceences?

It depends on what you mean. What kind of gun? What kind of license? Where are you located?

What item was used to kill george Custer?

some say a gun and others say a knife. myself, i think a bow and arrow was used!

How do you take any kind of gun apart?

Find a competent gunsmith. Failing that, get the apppropirate owner's manual.

What kind of gun was biggie shot with?

My gun.

How do you find out what kind of gun you have if all you have is the gun?

a gun store idiot