Find a competent gunsmith. Failing that, get the apppropirate owner's manual.
Yes I have a bunch of airsoft gun's and i have used ammo that is the wrong size... and i clogged the gun and had to take it apart to get it out.
You can't. In a nerf gun, there is a safety mechanism to prevent the gun from being too powerful. If you want to take the air restrictor out, then you have to take the gun apart. Hope this helped
Depends on the model. It depends on who made the BB gun.
take out the screws with a screwdriver
Best left to a trained gunsmith
take apart the whole gun
You will need the services of a gunsmith
Take the bb gun apart, memorize or take a pic of the inside, find the jam ,and put it back togethor
see the youtube video link below.
Not intended for user to take apart.
you can but it is hard you have to take apart the gun and pull the stock up and close the gun
can you use any kind of an 22 shell like an long or short shell in an 22 gun