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Probably not. Most pregnancy tests say they can detect pregnancy around 7-14 days after conception.

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Q: Could you tell if you were pregnant 2 days after conception?
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How soon can you have blood test before you know your pregnant?

About 9 days after conception if you know when you concieved. Otherwise about 6 days before your anticipated period. Levels of HCG will be present and a blood test will be able to tell you if you're pregnant or not.

Can you spot 2 day after conception?

I'm not to sure about that, but I'm about three days pregnant and was spotting today. I have had five children and this will be my sixth one. From experience I can tell that I am pregnant, as well as tell you that spotting is quite normal at an early stage of pregnancy. If you have severe cramping or even moderate cramping, you should contact your doctor immediately. No sense in taking any chances whatsoever. HAPPY DELIVERY !!! LUISA T.

Can a blood test tell you if your pregnant after an abnormal period straight away?

Both urine and blood pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy about 10 days after conception.

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the only way you can tell if your pregnant with your period is if you miss it.

Being 5 weeks and 3 days pregnant can an ultrasound tell you when you conceived And if so how close to the dates is it?

It can tell you, with very good accuracy how many weeks pregnant you are, medically speaking. HOWEVER, medically speaking, pregnancy is measured from the first day of your last period. Conception happens a few weeks after that, while you are fertile. If your periods a very regular you could estimate the day of of conception to within about a week. The reason you can never tell the exact date is because sperm can live inside a woman for about 5 days or so. That being the case, egg fertilization could happen any time from just after sex until up to 5 days or so later. During which time the woman may have had sex again, or with other partners.

Am trying to get pregnant and started on time but the first two days was heavy and the third day spotted and then stoped can i be pregnant?

take a pregnancy ones available in most chemists are exact and can tell within a short time of conception............ good luck............

How do you no what date you got pregnant?

If you know your due date, the doctor or midwife can probably tell you when (roughly) you got pregnant. Also, there are many online sites that can tell you your conception date if you know your due date

If my Period is 3 days late but Im having period symptoms could I be pregnant?

you could be i advise you to tell an adult and try a pregnantcy test

How long after sperm meets egg can you tell your pregnant by a test?

Conception occurs when the egg and sperm join, it can take 7 to 10 days past conception for the fertilized egg to travel from the fallopian tubes to the uterus where the embryo will implant into the lining. After implantation it may take three or four days for the body to produce detectable levels of hCG. Every woman and every pregnancy are different, but 10 to 14 days after conception most women will have a positive pregnancy test.

How many days before your period that a preganany test can come up positive?

its more about when conception happened. 2 weeks after conception take a test. usually tests will tell you a few days after missed period.

Can you tell in days or a week if your pregnant?

No you can not. It takes about 3 days to get pregnant and a test is not reliable until 2 weeks after sex.

If you not sure when you conceived can your doctor tell your exact conception date?

No it is not safe if the sex was unprotected your body could be ovulating at any time of your cycle including the days prior during an after your period...