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if you are stressed, you can feel nausea and also gain weight. all you can do is either talk to your doctor, or find a clinic that gives tests. if not, you might have to get bloodwork done to be 100% sure. Many women can go through this and PMS can be brutal for some. It's during this time woman can retain water (re the bloating.) Stay away from salt (including foods loaded with salt such as canned soups, chips, some smoked meats, cheeses, etc.) and believe it or not drink 8 - 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Many people feel because they bloat water would make them bloat more, but the water (hopefully pure ... I use bottled water) helps flush toxins out of the body and also flushes out the kidneys. Eat a banana a day a week before your periods as it's loaded with Potassium and good for PMS. If your PMS is bad (late periods, skipping periods, cramps, bloating, headaches) then see your doctor as there are medications that can help. Also visit your Health Food Store closest to you and may be able to give you something for your PMS. In cases such as this it's wise to see your doctor, but also if it isn't a major problem it's wiser yet to go natural if possible to resolve your problem. WARNING: Because natural food places give you herbs, etc., DOES NOT mean all these can be safe for you. If you have Allergies you can have allergies to some of these herbs. If you are into natural forms of having a healthier body then go to a Naturopathic doctor, but be sure you let your GP know you are seeing one and what the Naturopathic doctor has given you.

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Q: Could you be pregnant if you get your period 17 days late and all tests are negative but then you feel bloated and have a nauseous feeling and loss of appetite but still gain weight?
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