There is nothing you "can't" do after you have a tongue piercing. Although there are a few things you should avoid for a while. Smoking isn't something that has to be avoided, but it may irritate you for a bit. I have a smiley piercing and smoking irritated it a bit before it healed. I would avoid spicy foods stuff like that. ^.^
AnswerYes, you won't die any faster.I did after I got my monroe done.
you should be fine.
Yeah sure, just keep a bottle of water with you and sip a bit while smoking to prevent the residue from sticking to the barbell and annoying the piercing.
it is completely okay to smoke after a tongue piercing, or any sort of oral piercing for that matter. just make sure that you rinse with alcohol free mouthwash afterwards, every time you smoke, or eat anything.
First of all, tongue piercings are terrible. They give you a funny lisp and you look ridiculous. Secondly, smoking is even worse. You are not only destroying your body but others too. It is disgusting that people choose to waste their money on things like that. Not to mention that you end up smelling gross and getting a raspy voice. So do you really want a raspy voice and lisp? I guess it is your choice but if you decide to get a tongue piercing and then smoke I would advise you to start digging your grave because that is where it will end up leading you. Have a good day and if you decide to do these two things please get some serious help!
Alternatively - you can smoke while your tongue piercing is healing. As with everything else (eating, drinking anything except water, kissing.) it's best to rinse your mouth out afterwards, either with an alcohol-free mouthwash or simply with bottled water.
Yes. but you cant drink, smoke. or eat anything that is hard.
yeah dude itll probably hurt though.
Yes you can. Piercings don't stop you from getting cancer.
yes u can
You can take care of your tongue by regularly brushing it with a soft-bristled toothbrush or using a tongue scraper to remove bacteria and prevent bad breath. It's important to stay hydrated, eat a balanced diet, and avoid tobacco use to maintain overall tongue health. If you notice any abnormalities on your tongue, such as sores or discoloration, consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.
No! Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption for 24-48 hours after the piercing has been done. Smoking will dry out the area too much and also could infect it. As soon as my tongue was pierced i was straight out the front and had a cigerette. My piecing never dried out or got infected. Its not that it will dry out your piercing. I does not do that at all. The nicotine in cigarettes slows down the healing process, causing the piercing to take longer to heal. It is the same concept with alcohol -- slows down the healing process. Some people still smoke and drink and are okay, but yet for other people their piercing may never heal if they continue to do it constantly.
I got my lip pierced a year ago this month, and smoked occasionally, but didnt have my lips swollen. I tried my best to keep my lip hole covered (with my tongue, lol). Your lip is swollen because the smoke/cigarette/etc, lol burns the inner lining of your fresh hole.
Brush your teeth and use alcohol-free mouth wash after everything you eat & drink (except water). You could use mouthwash with the alcohol in it, but I found it irritates the piercing. Don't play with the jewelery too much because that will irritate it as well. Also, don't share drinks or food with other people, and don't smoke! Your tongue is a bad place to get an infection so make sure you follow those rules!
yes it can
marijuana* and not immediately
no, dummedi dum dum .
you could have a blown or leaky head gasket. white smoke would be caused by coolant getting in to the combustion chamber and getting burnt creating steam.