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I got my lip pierced a year ago this month, and smoked occasionally, but didnt have my lips swollen. I tried my best to keep my lip hole covered (with my tongue, lol). Your lip is swollen because the smoke/cigarette/etc, lol burns the inner lining of your fresh hole.

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Q: What happens when your pierced lip is swollen after smoking?
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Related questions

What happens when your lip is swollen after smoking?

Smoking cause wrinkles on the upper lip, and darken both.

How long will lip be swollen after getting it pierced?

anywhere from 7-10 days.

What does your lip look like after you get it pierced?

Well if you take care of it right it will look like your original lip. If not it will get swollen.

What happens to your lip when smoking?

Smoking cause wrinkles on the upper lip, and darken both.

What happens if a pierced lip swells up five days after getting it pierced?

It means it's infected!

When can you start back smoking weed you jus got your lip pierced?

Now should be long enough.

What happens if you don't sterilize a needle before piercing your lip?

you will lose alot of blood.and lip will become swollen and infected.

Where should you get your lip pierced?

On your lip...

How old was Tom Kaulitz when he got his lip pierced?

He was 13 when he got his lip pierced =]

If you get your lip pierced will it affect the way you play the trumpet?

I have a lip piercing and play trumpet... While healing, yes especially when its still swollen but after the piercing is fully healed it doesn't affect at all...its as if its not even there!

What side was dougie poynters lip pierced?

Dougie Had his Lip Pierced on his Left Hand side.

You just got your lip pierced yesterday and the whole stud was almost halfway in your lip because it was so swollen so you took the ring out Will you get an infection for taking it out so soon?

If the jewellery was clean you should be o.k.