You will only get this milky discharge during pregnancy when you are 3-5 months into the pregnancy. Its most likely too much progesterone in your blood. See your doctor about the discharge.
yes if your pregnant or just had a baby
it will come in itself.
YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTER!!!!! no not all ways some times your breast just has liquid coming from it just to come out
Breasts are for feeding the babies. They contain glands that produce milk when you are pregnant.
You could be, but it could be a sign that your period is coming. If you miss your period, take a test
The hormones in your body are changing, they change when you have periods and also when you are pregnant, IF you are pregnant it is also the milk coming down slowly too.
if you have colstrum coming out and your not pregnant you need to make an appoitment with your Gyno asap it could be a sign of something worse like breast cancer. Call your doctor ASAP!!!!
No.That is not real breast milk and you need to see a doctor to find out what is wrong with your hormone level.
This question was already, asked your not pregnant. Breast milk don't produce until the 8-9month. You're not pregnant and if you do have fluid coming from your breast it isn't normal and all it means is your hormones are out of whack and no you're not pregnant.
I have never heard that smells can indicate pregnancy, and I am sure that veins on your breast have nothing to do with it. They may have been there your whole life without being noticed. Breasts frequently get soar when a period is coming. In other words, there is nothing in what you have said that makes me think that you are pregnant.
this could be a condition known as galactorrhoea.. but it could also be a sign of cyst or benign tumor of the breast so you should be checked out by a doctor.
your prob prego