YOU NEED TO GO TO THE DOCTER!!!!! no not all ways some times your breast just has liquid coming from it just to come out
Take a pregnancy test. It is possible that you could be pregnant. The white milky liquid could be colostrum, which is the first type of breast milk. However, it is unlikely that you would be getting that this soon.
That is your babys milk u get milk around 6months
if you have colstrum coming out and your not pregnant you need to make an appoitment with your Gyno asap it could be a sign of something worse like breast cancer. Call your doctor ASAP!!!!
Yes. but your vaginal lubrication fluid color normally ranges from clear to milky. The color does not indicate whether you are pregnant or not.
they have a white egg tube coming out of them and are plump
I am 5 weeks pregnant, my first sign of my pregnancy was breast milk, not colostrum but actual white colored milk, production at about 2 weeks. So yes it is possible.
You will only get this milky discharge during pregnancy when you are 3-5 months into the pregnancy. Its most likely too much progesterone in your blood. See your doctor about the discharge.
The white liquid coming out of an air compressor could be caused by moisture condensation in the compressed air system. This can happen when the air inside the compressor cools down and the water vapor in the air condenses into liquid form.
well if your urine is white then that means you had enough liquid in you, but when its yellow you didn't have enough liquid in you.
Breast milk is a white or slightly yellow liquid that is produced by the mammary glands of a lactating woman. It can be identified by its creamy appearance and sweet smell.
you want juice in your chicken breast, a good wayto check, is cutting into the middle, if it is white it is done, if you see pink you need to keep cooking it. When the center is white it is done. That's how you tell by eye.
Yes, you should see a doctor to be sure it is not an infection that needs antibiotics.