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Trouble implies legal difficulties, as in criminal charges. The fact is that there are no laws anywhere, in any state of the US that precludes anyone dating (the activity of going out regularly with somebody as a social or romantic partner). However, to do so with someone who is below the age of eighteen (18) is potentially courting disaster. It is a precarious position one can find himself in by dating a minor. He becomes vulnerable to accusations of a criminal nature, and such accusations are difficult to impossible to defend against. So, it really depends on several things:

  • The age of both parties -- vis a vis whether one or both are minors, more specifically if the female is a minor as males are more often accused and charged criminally whether they are minors or not.
  • The laws specific to your state - some states such as California (but not exclusively) set the age of consent at 18. Federally it is 16, but (most importantly) even the age of consent does not preclude prosecution, it only provides some minimal defense in the event of prosecution.
  • Only one state, to my knowledge, has a "Romeo & Juliet" law that precludes prosecution for couples no more than four years separated in age. That is currently Michigan. This however may be changing, and more states may have adopted this policy.
  • The age and maturity of the two. Some people are more mature than others and are prepared to handle the emotional roller coaster of dating. More often, younger people are not, thus making the chronological age more important from a legal perspective.
  • The level of vindictive behavior of the parents of minors involved in the relationship. Neither of the two in the relationship need make an accusation to law enforcement for charges to be brought. Neither is it necessary for either to cooperate with law enforcement in any investigation. Many situations where charges have been brought, it is the parents or other adults in the lives of the couple who bring the charges, and once the ball starts rolling, very little will stop it.

So, go cautiously. It is a brave new world we live in, and a three year difference will get you a life sentence (perhaps literally and figuratively).

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Q: Could I get in trouble for dating someone 3 years younger than me?
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It depends on how young. if it is only by a year or two, there will be zero differences then dating someone else. If it by 15-20 years or he is underage, there could be serious consequences sense it could be seen as rape.

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Safe isn't about age, it is about trust. If you are talking about legally, there are no laws about dating. If you are using dating as an euphemism for other things, no. If at least one of the individuals is under the age of consent, there could be a problem.

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It really depends on how old you are, because a guy could be considered probably a pedofile, if you're really old, and going after someone younger. but a few years is not bad :) hope it helps.

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That will depend greatly on the laws in the jurisdiction they are in. In most places it would not be an issue, but there are a few where it could be a crime.

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No I don't think you should. It wouldn't be fair; they definitely wouldn't have the same experience as you. You could also get in trouble for that reason.

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I think that really depends on the age difference. If you are over 18, any age is acceptable as long as you feel comfortable. If you're under 18, remember that someone younger than you may not have the experience that you have in life and could be a lot more emotionally fragile. If they are over 18 and you are under, remember that dating you could get them in really big trouble.

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No, considering she said Bieber was too young and he's only 2 years younger...Well know they're dating..Where I am it would be illegal for a 18 year old and a 12 year old to be dating.... Also dating someone under-age could totally ruin her career. Soorrryyy

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There are no laws about dating. However, there is only one reason a high school graduate/senior would go out with someone 4 years younger than they are, and that could be illegal.

Is a 17 year old dating a 15 year old right?

Yeah. depends on who the girl and boy's age. Well, it is on the edge of what is good. There are no laws about dating, but there are laws about sexual contact. The older one needs to be careful or they could be in trouble if the younger one gets mad and claims they did things, whether they did or not.

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Not for dating you however there are still rules regarding sexual contact. and they depend on where you are.