only if you are sexually active
As long as they are just dating there is no issue. However, there are laws in many jurisdictions that could be a problem for any sexual contact.
Yes, she is considered and adult and he is probably under the age of consent, but you would have to check laws in your area.
if they were dating then yes he could get into trouble. but as friends there is nothing wrong with it.
Not for dating you however there are still rules regarding sexual contact. and they depend on where you are.
There is no law about dating, but any parent that would allow it could be in trouble. The age difference is too great and all the girl would have to do is hint at any sexual contact and there could be criminal charges brought against the guy.
There are no laws for dating and the age of consent is 16 in NC so all of that is legal.
There is no difference of dating whether it is a guy and a girl, a guy and a guy, or a girl and a girl. All three types of couples are two different people in love.
You can "get in trouble" for all kinds of things. But there are no "dating laws". But, under Massachusetts law, if the 17 year old girl is a virgin and she is "induced" to have sexual intercourse (which includes many forms of sexual contact), then that is illegal.
ummm, well, a girl could kiss a guy. A girl could flirt with a guy. A girl could hurt a guy. A girl could kill a guy (not advised). A girl could make love to a guy :P, a girl could - and this is the best of all - love a guy.
yes i would get introuble