

Could my girlfriend be pregnant

Updated: 9/28/2023

I’m really worried that she might be. We haven’t been together long, and we’ve been stressing out for a few days now. We think we last had intercourse January 30th. I did not wear protection, and apparently she’s been off of birth control for a few weeks (I did not know this). I “pulled out”. She’s been having some of the symptoms.. and she’s about 4 days late.. She usually is 1-2 days late, but never this long. One of her breasts is sore, and she’s tired (always tired anyways), and has a bloating feeling. We are both so scared because we’re only 21 and 22. We both still live at home, and I have a decent job, and she doesn’t. We are not mentally, financially, emotionally, etc ready for this. So far she has taken 2 tests, and both were negative. She took them first thing in the morning. Please, any advice would help..

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John Jones

Lvl 1
4y ago

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If your girlfriend is pregnant then your f*cked. But you need to help take care of it if she's keeping it.

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Jordyn Garcia

Lvl 2
4y ago
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